Update Editorial Team

I am using OJS
I have changes the information of Editoral Team on the Masthead page, but nothing changes on the Editorial page on my website.
I have assigned Editoral role for that person.
Could you please instruct me?
Thank you very much

Hi @Hoa_Mai,

You’ve edited the text in the section, Journal - Masthead - Key information (and then click “Save” at the bottom of the page?
Is that where you’re making the changes? Have you also tried clearing the caches (as site admin) and seeing if the changes take place then?

Best regards,

PKP Team


Thank you very much for your response.

I have done all the things you said above but it does not work.

I attached 2 pictures about where I put the information and clear cache.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards.

Mai HoaPB 2

Hi @Hoa_Mai,

Thanks for sharing. So what happens when you save the changes to the Editorial Board? Does it save and the changes are not reflected on the site?

PKP Team


When I changed the information, it saved but the changes are not reflected on the site.
I figure out that we have to change the database on the server to make it show on the site. However, it is inconvenient because we need the support of the technical team whenever we want to change it. Do you know any solution?

Thank you very much.

Best regards,
Mai Hoa

Hi @Hoa_Mai,

Hmm… changing the database on the server shouldn’t be necessary. The fact that this is not showing up once you’ve saved it suggests that there might be something else going on. Are you (or your technical team) able to check the php error logs for your site and report relevant errors here? That may give us a better sense of what is going on here.

Best regards,

PKP Team

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