I have run the upgrade script of OJS (to 3.3.0-10). It successfully ended but I had multiple errors like this :
PHP Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 246 of 1192 bytes in /var/www/html/ojs-3.3.0-10/lib/pkp/classes/db/DAO.inc.php on line 252
My previous i18n configuration was (for ojs 3.2.0)
; Localization Settings ;
locale = en_US
client_charset = utf-8
connection_charset = Off
database_charset = Off
But during the check script I had a mysql error, so I change the i18n config to this:
client_charset = utf-8
connection_charset = utf8
database_charset = Off
I guess this is where the error come from. What am I suppose to put as i18n config ?
Also, to recover from this, what are the steps ? Restore the db and rerun the upgrade ?
(for the moment, files cannot be seen in the pdf viewer, but can be download. Also, the characters are shown badly like that : té )
Thanks for your help,