Hi All i need to implement Unified Highlighter implementation i did according to the solr document ,but i not yet satisfied ,any one can provide documentation and configuration.
A Uma Maheswar reddy
Hi All i need to implement Unified Highlighter implementation i did according to the solr document ,but i not yet satisfied ,any one can provide documentation and configuration.
A Uma Maheswar reddy
Hi @uma.maheswar,
Is your question related to one of our applications (OJS, OMP, etc)? If so, which one and what version?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi asmecher,my solr version 7.4.0 and my application was online web application,please can you share configuration of unified highlighter…
A uma maheswar
Hi @uma.maheswar,
This forum is for questions related to Public Knowledge Project software, like Open Journal Systems, Open Monograph Press, and Open Preprint Systems. I don’t think you’re using any of those. I’d suggest asking on StackOverflow.com.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher
thank you.