Unexpected error during submission process

How do I delete incomplete submissions in OJS

As an Editorial Manager I am not able to delete the incomplete submission. In OJS
I got some error while using quick submit plugin. Its automatically returned to the main window and the files shows incomplete submission.

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Hi @katharine,

I’ve moved your post to a new topic.

It looks like you’re encountering a few problems:

  1. “An unexpected error has occurred” during the submission process (per the screenshot). Please check your PHP error log on the server to see if there are more details.
  2. Some sort of problem with the QuickSubmit plugin
  3. Possibly also some kind of problem when deleting incomplete submissions

Let’s start with the first. (And in the future, please try to post a single question/issue per topic; that’ll help keep the forum organized.

Can you check your PHP error log around the time that you encountered the “Unexpected error” message and see if there are further details there?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Did you get solution for this?