Uncaught Error - Sokil - IsoCodesFactory not found

Hi all,

I recently installed OJS version 3.3.0-6. Apparently everything was successful, except when I want to register a new user. The error is:

Fatal error : Uncaught Error: Class ‘Sokil\IsoCodes\IsoCodesFactory’ not found in /public_html/lib/pkp/classes/user/form/RegistrationForm.inc.php:101 Stack trace: #0

I have been looking for related information, and in various forums they say that “gettext” should be enabled on the PHP server (PHP version 7.4.11). But I already have it enabled, and the error still exists.

I clarify that the “Sokil” folder exists on the server, and it has all the required files.

What should I do to fix the error?
I really appreciate your collaboration.

Hi @Efrain_Rodriguez,

My first guess is that it might be related to changes in composer dependencies from the upgrade. What version of OJS were you upgrading from? When you ran the upgrade, did you also rerun composer install for the lib/pkp directory?

Either way, try re-running the composer dependency install process as outlined in the OJS Readme and see if that helps.


PKP Team