Hello,I am currently using OJS 3.3. I’m using a Windows system.I get “Uncaught Error: Class ‘IntlDateFormatter’ not found” when I click on the search box and the pdf file.Then I clearing the comment( before extension=intl.But it didn’t work.What can I do to fix this?
Hi @tan321,
You may want to have a look at this thread here: Updated OJS to 3.3.0-14 and now Article Statistics and System Infomation pages now showing -- IntlDateFormatter - #2 by asmecher
It appears as though a user encountered this issue and was able to remedy it.
PKP Team
Just to be sure, have you restart the server?
I’ve solved my problem.This error is due to the loss of the MSVCP140.dll file, which prevents the intl extension from being launched.When I got the file back, the error was resolved
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