March 14, 2016, 9:27am
According to the DTD and the native import plugin, it is possible to set a sponsor per Article via the method $article->setSponsor($sponsor, $locale).
Now working with the 2.4.8 version, this method doesn’t seem to be available(yet or anymore?).
Can you tell me if is about to be implemented or is it already somewhere I didn’t see?
Thank you!
March 14, 2016, 1:01pm
Well it seems the sponsor can be set into the Article object. Still, I don’t get it back when I export with the XML plugin.
To be continued …
March 14, 2016, 3:37pm
Actually, the sponsor is not added in the XML tree when using the XML Export plugin.
I managed to have it by modifying the code for my own datas.
@Thomas , would you consider sharing your code changes? If you could submit a Pull Request in Github, your enhancement could go into the core product to benefit the wider community.
March 15, 2016, 9:37am
That’s OK for me. Hope it will fit.
Which branch should I choose for the request?
For 2.4.x, create a pull request against ojs-dev-2_4 .