i am using OJS for publishing Journal. i want to embedded published articles in another website (HTML) using
<iframe src="http://mydomain/index.php/journalName/article/download/546/452" style="width: 100%;height: 100%;border: none;"></iframe>
<embed src="http://mydomain/journal/index.php/journalName/article/download/546/452" width="500" height="375" type='application/pdf'>
<object data="http://mydoamin/journal/index.php/journalName/article/download/546/452" width="100%" height="400" type='application/pdf'>
<p>Sorry, the PDF couldn't be displayed :(</p>
Note: once i enter these pdf’s URL in browser pdf get download or viewed on chrome pdf viewer.
all above type of embedded technic i used but the output are same blank page. PLZ help me how i can embedded OJS’s pdf in another html page out of OJS.