We are transitioning to use of OJS and thought we’d start out with Objects for Review as a way to get rolling with submissions. Two questions after posting 4 books as available for review:
In the Edit Review Object Types I edited the metadata for the Book type, unchecking the Display option for a lot of elements that we don’t care about (e.g., Language, Short Title, Rights, ISBN). But these metadata labels still show up on every book listing followed by a dash.
I’ve assigned a reviewer for 3 of the 4 books we’ve listed, but they still have the active link “Request this object for review” below the descriptions. They are assigned to authors, so it should be clear to readers that they’ve been claimed and a review is underway.
The display option is only for the short display version, on the objects for review listing page, where all available objects/books are listed. On the other hand, on the objects/book page, all object/book metadata are displayed.
The request for review link is visible/available as long as the object/book is defined so (as available) – in order to support several reviews of one object/book. You can disable it by editing the book and deselecting the checkbox “Available” at the bottom.
Thanks for the quick response. I had read through the wiki for the plug-in pretty thoroughly and would say the answers to my questions aren’t found in it – it’s too brief and not specific enough about how changes in settings will actually be reflected in what the reader sees.
I don’t understand why the metadata we’re not ever going to use has to appear at all. It makes every book entry look incomplete.
Thanks for letting me know where to find the Available checkbox. However, it’s disappointing that the book then doesn’t show up at all in the Objects for Review list. I’d like to be able to show books that we have reviews underway for, just for readers’ information.
Should I add these to the requested features area of the forum? I think they’d be improvements other users would appreciate.
By any chance, Bozana, have you had time to add the features I requested to the Objects for Review plugin? I also really want to rename it “Books for Review” in the top menu – “Objects for Review” is very confusing! Is that possible?