Two editors of the same journal have different permissions on the same submissions

Hello everyone,
In OJS I have two editors (with the same configuration; I mean same group in table ‘user_groups’ and same roles in table ‘roles’) that have different behavior on the submission page of the same journal (‘https://<domain>/index.php/<journal-path>/submissions’) - ‘Archive’ tab.
The list of the items is the same, but, for example, the link that lead to the submission is different; in case of Editor A is:

  • https://<domain>/index.php/<journal-path>/workflow/access/11430

in case of Editor B is:

  • https://<domain>/index.php/<journal-path>/authorDashboard/submission/11430

The articles have been submitted with the QuickSubmit Plugin and the only difference I can notice is that the Editor B is reported also as the author of the submissions despite he doesn’t have the ‘Author’ role.

The problem is that the Editor B doesn’t have the permission to see the submissions: following the link:

  • https://<domain>/index.php/<journal-path>/authorDashboard/submission/11430

leads to the page:

  • https://<domain>/index.php/<journal-path>/user/authorizationDenied?message=user.authorization.authorRoleMissing

If I add the ‘Author’ role to the Editor B, the details became visible but with the ‘Author’ view, not the ‘Editor’ one. Is that normal for OJS3?

One last thing, if I try to access the link proposed to the Editor A using the Editor B:

  • https://<domain>/index.php/<journal-path>/workflow/access/11430

OJS bring me to the page:

  • https://<domain>/index.php/<journal-path>/user/authorizationDenied?message=user.authorization.accessibleWorkflowStage

Thank you very much

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Hi @sourcedump,

OJS has protections in place to allow users who are registered as editors of the journal to also act as authors in the journal, without violating the requirements of e.g. peer review. When Editor B is sent to the URL containing authorDashboard, it’s because they are seeing the submission as an author, and aren’t permitted to make changes to the submission as an editor would.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hello @asmecher,

thank you for the quick reply. So we can say that an Editor cannot be the Editor of his own submissions.

Best regards