Two different OJS URLs after upgrading from to

Hi @marc ,

Generally, I would not bother with the wrong domains if they did not bring a headache. There are many instances where they cause problems. First of all, please try to compare the Home page of one of the journals with and without “www”. You will notice that font and paragraph formatting are completely different. In addition, sometimes PHP errors appear on the top of the loaded pages when the pages starting with “www” are loaded. Sometimes there is a glitch in the user pages when the website is loaded with URL starting with “www”.

Below are some examples to demonstrate the calling of the wrong domain:

  1. the notification messages use variables {$submissionURL} and {$contextURL}. Below is copy/paste of one of the notification messages. You’ll notice that the {$submissionURL} appended www in the address.

You have a new notification from Journal of …:
There is new activity in the discussion titled “Corrected COPYEDITED” regarding the submission “Understanding the annealing effect on…”.
jESE Editorial Office

  1. Immediately after the upgrade to OJS3.3.0.13, Orcid started refusing our domain name (please check this post: ORCID redirect URI suddenly does not match). This was because the registered domain name in Orcid was the one without the “www”. Once we added an additional domain name starting with “www”, Orcid started to function properly again. This means that before the upgrade to OJS3.3.0.13 we had base URL without “www” but after the upgrade we have the base address with “www”.

  2. There are some relative URL links in the editorial content, many of these (or all of them) point to the www address.

I hope I explained this better.

Kind regards and many thanks for your attention.