As with previous version, with OJS 3.0 I have problem exporting translations with tar function defined in config.inc.php when I try to export I get error on page http://migracija.ff.uns.ac.rs/index.php/gff/$$$call$$$/plugins/generic/translator/controllers/grid/locale-grid/export?locale=en_US:
cli.tar binary not properly configured.
Just to mention, I have downloaded Translation plugin from git OJS 3.0 Stable repo.
The code that generates the error you’re seeing is…
// Construct the tar command
$tarBinary = Config::getVar('cli', 'tar');
if (empty($tarBinary) || !file_exists($tarBinary)) {
fatalError('cli.tar binary not properly configured.');
I suppose the call to file_exists is returning false – can you test it by creating a test PHP script such as…
OK, that tells you that PHP isn’t able to access /bin/tar. There are a lot of potential reasons this could be the case – e.g. PHP scripts run on your server in a chroot environment, or something similar. Unfortunately it’s out of OJS’s hands; you’ll need to get that test script to be able to access a tar binary before OJS can do anything with it.
If your server is running in a chroot environment (or open_basedir or similar), you might need to copy the tar binary somewhere closer to where OJS is installed. Unfortunately there are so many server variations involved that I can’t give you specific instructions here.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you for suggestions Alec, I have moved tar from /bin/ to /private directory and set proper permissions on file, changed config.inc.php and now it is working. I know that this isn’t best solution but for now it will do.
Thank you once again.