Translation does not correspond to the main language of the Journal

Describe the issue or problem
I did a test with the OJS 3.4.0-5 system and the messages that arrive are in a different language than the main configuration of the Journal.
The Journal is set to be Spanish as its main language.

Image of the email that reaches the editor when an author makes a submission:

Journal language settings:

There are also problems with pre-designed emails. Although it is configured in Spanish, the email appears in English and does not show the text content.

What application are you using?
For example, OJS 3.4.0-5

Hi @David_Alarcon_davidy,

This is the SUBMISSION_NEEDS_EDITOR template, it doesn’t look that it has Spanish translation. Can you double check this in the email templates configuration?

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Hi, we have the same problem for our french journals. On our OJS instance, this email is not available in the template list (thus, it cannot be translated or costumized). Another problem we noticed is that the email is by default sent to every user that as editor rights. As a workaround, we recommend that editors disable notifications for this email.

Hi… the template you mentioned is empty in both Spanish and English…
How could I fix this?