Open Harvester Systems Version:
Hello, when attempting to run tools/harvest.php one of our archives is returning an error related to SSL.
Below is the full output we receive. I have also attached a screenshot of the certificate info for the domain.
When I access the same OAI request in my web browser there is no issue.
running the harvest:
php tools/harvest.php 10 from=2019-09-09 until=2019-09-10 set=DART-Europe
Equivalent in web browser:
The second issue is for all other archives. When harvesting, the time taken is very long. For example around 5 hours to harvest approx. 2,000 records. Is there a way to make it quicker?
(full error log relating to SSL)
harvester2 has produced an error
Message: WARNING: Declaration of ZendSearchPlugin::getManagementVerbs() should be compatible with GenericPlugin::getManagementVerbs($verbs = Array)
In file: /var/home/darteu/
At line: 485
Server info:
OS: Linux
PHP Version: 7.2.18
Apache Version: N/A
DB Driver: mysqli
DB server version: 5.7.21-20-log
harvester2 has produced an error
Message: WARNING: Declaration of CustomBlockManagerPlugin::getManagementVerbs() should be compatible with GenericPlugin::getManagementVerbs($verbs = Array)
In file: /var/home/darteu/
At line: 181
Server info:
OS: Linux
PHP Version: 7.2.18
Apache Version: N/A
DB Driver: mysqli
DB server version: 5.7.21-20-log
harvester2 has produced an error
Message: WARNING: Declaration of StaticPagesPlugin::getManagementVerbs() should be compatible with GenericPlugin::getManagementVerbs($verbs = Array)
In file: /var/home/darteu/
At line: 206
Server info:
OS: Linux
PHP Version: 7.2.18
Apache Version: N/A
DB Driver: mysqli
DB server version: 5.7.21-20-log
harvester2 has produced an error
Message: WARNING: Declaration of OAIHarvesterPlugin::manage($verb, $args) should be compatible with PKPPlugin::manage($verb, $args, &$message)
In file: /var/home/darteu/
At line: 22
Server info:
OS: Linux
PHP Version: 7.2.18
Apache Version: N/A
DB Driver: mysqli
DB server version: 5.7.21-20-log
Selected archive: UCL Discovery
Fetching records…
harvester2 has produced an error
Message: WARNING: fsockopen(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages:
error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed
In file: /var/home/darteu/
At line: 77
Server info:
OS: Linux
PHP Version: 7.2.18
Apache Version: N/A
DB Driver: mysqli
DB server version: 5.7.21-20-log
harvester2 has produced an error
Message: WARNING: fsockopen(): Failed to enable crypto
In file: /var/home/darteu/
At line: 77
Server info:
OS: Linux
PHP Version: 7.2.18
Apache Version: N/A
DB Driver: mysqli
DB server version: 5.7.21-20-log
harvester2 has produced an error
Message: WARNING: fsockopen(): unable to connect to ssl:// (Unknown error)
In file: /var/home/darteu/
At line: 77
Server info:
OS: Linux
PHP Version: 7.2.18
Apache Version: N/A
DB Driver: mysqli
DB server version: 5.7.21-20-log
NOTICE: Only variables should be passed by reference (/var/home/darteu/
harvester2 has produced an error
Message: WARNING: fsockopen(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages:
error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed
In file: /var/home/darteu/
At line: 77
Server info:
OS: Linux
PHP Version: 7.2.18
Apache Version: N/A
DB Driver: mysqli
DB server version: 5.7.21-20-log
harvester2 has produced an error
Message: WARNING: fsockopen(): Failed to enable crypto
In file: /var/home/darteu/
At line: 77
Server info:
OS: Linux
PHP Version: 7.2.18
Apache Version: N/A
DB Driver: mysqli
DB server version: 5.7.21-20-log
harvester2 has produced an error
Message: WARNING: fsockopen(): unable to connect to ssl:// (Unknown error)
In file: /var/home/darteu/
At line: 77
Server info:
OS: Linux
PHP Version: 7.2.18
Apache Version: N/A
DB Driver: mysqli
DB server version: 5.7.21-20-log
0 records indexed
2 seconds elapsed
0.00 records per second
11600 records kept from past harvests
11600 records total.