Describe the issue or problem
After updating from ojs-3.3.0-16 release to ojs-3.4.0-5 release the site is too delay loading some articles description of all joirnals in it. The issue is so strange, because in one of journals with 14 articles only 4 of then load inmediately but the others are very slowly to show it (the pdfs load quickly in all cases). We have installed php 8.2.7 with mariadb 11.0 running in debian 12 (bookworm) in a box with 6 core and 8 GB of RAM, the strange situation is the CPU is always almost full (between 80 and 90 percent). We make proofs using ubuntu 22.04 witn php (8.0, 8.1, 8.2) with mariadb 10.6 but the situation is the same. ¿What is wrong?
Here any links of articles witn not problems:
Here some links with articles with the situation described:
What application are you using? OJS 3.3.0-5