We have upgraded OJS from 246 to 248-1 on a test server and get an error “ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS”
We used the method of display the new version package on the server, restore the DB on a new DB and run tools/upgrade.php. The upgrade of the DB was successful and connect well. No database connection errors.
We have tried to set permissions to 777 to discard permissions problems, but still happen the error.
Also tried all possible settings we thought on config.inc.php, but the settings working on the production site does not work for this new one. The URL of the test site is http://pruebas.icono14.net and production site is https://icono14.net.
Would you kindly give us any suggestions?
Thank you!
Daniel Becerra
Hi @celuloide,
Have you tested your server to see whether the system works without problems before running the upgrade? I suspect this is a server configuration issue on your test server, rather than something related to the upgrade.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi Alec, thanks for your help.
Actually it is the same server as production 246 site, only it runs in another directory with a subdomain and an own database. So I think server settings are ok so production site is working fine. Have you tried to access?
Hi @celuloide,
I’m still not sure what changed between 2.4.6 and 2.4.8-1 that would cause redirects, so I still think trying the copy of the installation before running the upgrade would help determine whether the problem is actually related to the upgrade.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Well, I have made a copy of the current 246 instance and its database to the test server and it works fine http://pruebas.icono14.net so, I think the problem should be most likely from the upgrade method or something wrong on the files of 248-1 instance. I’m going to try to upgrade with the patch from this and let’s see what happens…
Patch worked
Problem solved.
Thank you for the inspiration. When the trees don’t let you see the forest…
Kind regards,
Hi @celuloide,
Glad to hear it’s resolved!
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi Daniel/@celuloide , what patch did you use? I’m getting a similar issue trying to access the upgrade page in version 3.1.
I have the same problem right here, please let me know if you find a solution, no php error in the logs.
Hi @marcello8080,
What did you upgrade from, and what did you upgrade to? What URL are you being redirected to? (Feel free to remove your domain name, I just need the part after index.php
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I fixed this,
Apparently the plugin Shibboleth Authentication Plugin hasn’t been installed properly and it crashed. I had to disable this plugin through the database and now the login system is working properly again.
Here is the query
UPDATE plugin_settings SET setting_value=‘0’ WHERE plugin_name=‘shibbolethauthplugin’ and context_id =‘0’ and setting_name =‘enabled’;
Hope this can be helpful for someone else, I have seen that this problem appears few times in the forum.
The update was from 3.0 to 3.1.1, to upgrade I followed the tutorial through FTP and then I ran the script php /tool/upgrade upgrade
in order to update the database.
the programmer performed the following operation, but this did not solve the problem http://joxi.ru/D2PL583ipq5Zx2
Hi @Open_European_Academ,
You may also need to flush your data cache, i.e. rm cache/*.php
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team