Too many notification emails / documentation on e-mail workflow missing


we have a new publisher preparing for the launch of his journal. He is currently adapting the e-mail templates and had the following observations and questions:

a) Are there possibilities to limit the automatic sending of ‘Notifications’? An example: If 3 open reviews are registered for a submission, the Associate Editor will be informed 3 times about a new completed review. Would it be possible to send the notification after all 3 reviews have been received?

b) Is there a form of workflow scheme that clearly shows which system messages are sent in which step?

I think essentially a documentation of b) would be nice to have for many OJS admins here, and suggest that this topic should be taken up in the PKP sprint on documentation in Barcelona (@asmecher). Unfortunately, I can’t make it there.

Hi @mpbraendle,

The system doesn’t have the option (yet) to behave as you describe in a). Nor do we have much documentation about what conditions lead to notifications.

We have heard that this is a common source of frustration and confusion, and if you look in our github issues list (Issues · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub) you’ll see numerous discussions about how to improve it. This is something we’ll be working on after the OJS 3.2 release and we’d love to have your input there.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

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