.tocArticleCoverImage { display:none; } on OJS 2.4.8

Hi everybody,

just upgraded from OJS 2.4.4 to 2.4.8 and article images in toc disappeared.

On …/styles/common.css we got:

.tocArticleCoverImage {

Solved replacing with the old common.css code:

.tocArticleCoverImage img {
border: 0;
float: left;
width: 100px;
margin: 0 1em 1em 0;

Is it something to report to developers?


Hi @NuovaCultura,

Check the article metadata form for a set of controls that configure how the cover data (e.g. image) for an article is displayed.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi @asmecher,

all the articles got the option cover enabled.
Display options all unchecked.

Hi @NuovaCultura,

Are you publishing in multiple languages? Check to make sure that you’re viewing the journal in the same language as you’ve entered those settings.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi @asmecher,

single language for the journal (English default):

Sorry, no additional languages are available.
Contact your site administrator if you wish to use additional languages
with this journal.

Hi @NuovaCultura,

I tested locally and the article cover images showed without problems; in templates/issue/issue.tpl you can see there are several conditions that must be met in order to display the cover image:

Could you check to see which of these are not being met?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi @asmecher,

> {if $article->getLocalizedFileName() && $article->getLocalizedShowCoverPage() && !$article->getHideCoverPageToc($locale)}
> {assign var=showCoverPage value=true}

How can I check the conditions?

I suppose there are some problems with localization.

I removed a language from /admin/languages/ and now the article covers are showing up on the /issue/view/00/showToc but not on the homepage.

How can we display the article covers on the homepage?


I think this is a similar issue:

In general, we expect the default locale data to display when a non-primary locale is selected, but cover images weren’t doing that.

I think a fix parallel to this would be appropriate:

Ok, sorry but I don’t understand how to fix that on OJS.

If the problem is in fact parallel to the issue above, I think it is something we should fix in the core product. I still need to validate the bug, however. It’s particularly interesting that you would see this if you only have a single language journal.

It will be at least into next week before I can take a deeper look at this.

Ok, thank you!

Please reply to this topic to keep us update!


In your case, it sounds like your cover settings were made under the locale that you deleted. Is that accurate? If so a fix such as the one above wouldn’t be of help - it pulls in the default locale cover information when there is no cover information in the selected locale.

No, the “Italian” locale was not flagged as “Supported locale” and never activated for the review.

My fix (restoring CSS to 2.4.2) is working now but I think it’s not a stable solution.

Yes, it almost sounds like your install is a bit out of sync with the base install.

Do you have any intentional local modifications besides this change to styles/common.css?

Did you upgrade with a “Full Package” upgrade?

I did a full upgrade from 2.4.2 to 2.4.8

