We would like the editor To Email to always go back to a single email address, the Manager. The Manager of the Journal will respond to all Authors. Currently that defaults to the Editor reviewing the content. How can we make that To Email go to the manager or just hardcode it in somewhere? Thanks!
Hi @jeynon,
What version of OJS are you running, and what email icon are you wanting to change? (A screenshot might help.)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @jeynon,
Thanks – but what I was looking for is the location of the link that sends you to that page.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
From the editor review page # 5 I think. I need another journal article put in so someone is making a fake one so i can see it again!
I have gotten the language in the drop down to have my correct wording in the editor decision. I just need all of these emails to go back to the Manager so he can contact the author directly. Currently they all go to the Author. Also we want to change the words “Notify Author” that sits as a label for the email icon. We want to change that to Notify Manager. I have searched everywhere for that! Thanks again for any help.
Do you have any help on where this might be located? Thanks!
Hi @jeynon,
The “Notify Author” text is in locale/en_US/locale.xml
(for English):
<message key="submission.notifyAuthor">Notify Author</message>
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I found this one once you turned me onto the locale at the root. My biggest tie up is where the email can be changed for the outgoing email. We want them all to go to the Manager and not back to the author. Where do we switch that? I am so close!
Hi @jeynon,
I’m confused – the “Notify Author” link is intended for use by the Editor / Section Editor to contact the Author. If you change that to compose messages to Editor, how will the Author be contacted e.g. with the details of completed peer reviews?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
They want ALL contact with Authors to go through the Manager of the journal. So the editors decide whether it should continue or be rejected. They use the drop down and select how to proceed with the submission. What they want is that the editor would write back to the journal Manager explaining the reasoning for what they have decided. The Manager then relies that to the Author instead of it coming straight from the editor. Odd I know!
Hi @jeynon,
Would the Manager compose these messages through e.g. an email client outside of OJS?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
It sounds like they would like to keep it within the system but understand if that isnt possible!
Hi @jeynon,
The trouble is that changing the recipient of the “Notify Author” message to the Editor instead would keep that message within the system – but deprive the Editor of an in-system way to in turn contact the Author.
In any case, if you want to change the addressing of this email, you’ll need to edit classes/submission/sectionEditor/SectionEditorAction.inc.php
in the emailEditorDecisionComment
$email->addRecipient($authorEmail, $authorUser->getFullName());
(See also the nearby optional secondary author addressing, which you’d need to comment out or remove.)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Awesome! I will look into it. What is the php var for the manager’s email? is it $managerEmail or since there might be more then one editor I need to hard code in his email?
Hi @jeynon,
If you want to get a list of managers, you’ll have to use the RoleDAO
. Pulling an example from the DataVerse plugin ( plugins/generic/dataverse/DataversePlugin.inc.php
$journalManagers =& $roleDao->getUsersByRoleId(ROLE_ID_JOURNAL_MANAGER, $journal->getId());
while ($journalManagers && !$journalManagers->eof()) {
$journalManager =& $journalManagers->next();
...do something here with $journalManager...
…remembering of course that there can be multiple journal managers.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I can deal with that! Thank you so much for you help on this stuff!