tinymce editor toolbar is missing. How can I fix that?
Hi @utkug,
Which of our applications are you using, and what version? (Please include this with your posts.)
If you’ve recently performed an upgrade, you may just need to hard-refresh your browser. Old cached Javascript can cause this to happen.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hello @asmecher
I am using OJS 3.x. I reinstalled the tinymce pulgin and hard refreshed my browser, but still toolbar that includes justfy option is missing.
Hi @utkug,
Which specific release of OJS 3.x? How did you reinstall the TinyMCE plugin?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I am using version and today I deleted the tinymce editor and I dowloaded the files and uploaded them through my web server. However, plugin is not appearing under the plugins list. How can I reinstall the editor?