i have a problem with tinymce in my ojs installation. everytime i save a link, it add additional path to the link. for example, i want to save <a href="http://google.com">link</a> it becomes <a href="/public/journals/17/http://google.com">link</a>. how to fix it?
I have another problem with link instead.
I put into tinyMCE editor html source that represents text with link next to image.
After having saved, The site has problem only with version english.
If i click in The link created in The italian version, it connects me with The right page; if i click to the same link in The english version The page gives me error…
Can you help me?
Which field in the system at what place in the system are you using and could you send me an example of your source html code? Also, what is your primary language and did you enter the same source html code twice i.e. for both languages?
Thanks for your answering…I’m using setup section in the box of journal description. I made a source code with nvu, vero sample an image with linking text.
The primary language of the system Is italian, secondo english. The link “current…” Works only in The italian version.
Here the code is:
nei Secoli-Arte e Scienza
is an international four-monthly journal, which aims at
original research papers, commentaries and book reviews on the History
of Medicine and allied sciences, including but not limited to
Paleography, Paleontology, Epigraphy, Philology, Philosophy of
Medicine, Medical Anthropology, Social Medicine, History of Public
Health, History of Pharmacy, Bioethics, Medical Ethics and
Medical Law. The Journal publishes articles written in Italian,
English, French, Spanish and German languages.
Except that it looks strange above – maybe because of this editor – it should work. Thus, I tried this and it worked for me: <img style="width: 145px; height: 202px; float: left;" src="http://localhost/medicinaneisecoli/ojs/public/journals/6/Nuova%20copia1.jpg" alt="Cover" /><p>Medicina nei Secoli-Arte e Scienza is an international four-monthly journal, which aims at publishing original research papers, commentaries and book reviews on the History of Medicine and allied sciences, including but not limited to Paleography, Paleontology, Epigraphy, Philology, Philosophy of Medicine, Medical Anthropology, Social Medicine, History of Public Health, History of Pharmacy, Bioethics, Medical Ethics and Medical Law. The Journal publishes articles written in Italian, English, French, Spanish and German languages.</p><p><a style="font-weight: bold; color: #660000;" href="http://localhost/medicinaneisecoli/ojs/index.php/MedSecoli/issue/view/2">Current Issue (Volume 27 Issue 3 December 2015)</a></p><p><a style="font-weight: bold; color: #660000;" href="http://localhost/medicinaneisecoli/ojs/index.php/MedSecoli/issue/archive">Past Issues</a></p>
hi bozana, thanks for your reply. i use it at custom block plugin. but it’s already fixed.
i delete all the cache from my system (you can do it manually from your ftp or by ojs’s administrative functions in site administration) and it’s get fixed. if this is not working for your case, try to delete caches from your browser too.