How can I see the full TinyMCE toolbar on OJS.
It seems like part of the tools are missing at the moment. (Identifications and numbering tools are missing) Plus, is there any way to create a table on each page or to divide the page into two columns for example? I can remember that these tools are available on other content management systems such as Wordpress, etc.
- Application Version - OJS 3.1.2
- Description of issue: Please see above
- Steps you took leading up to the issue: I have read the PKP community, but posts are related to older versions.
- What you tried to resolve the issue: None
Hi @ybshokouhi,
Could you please clarify which pages you’re trying to use tinyMCE controls exactly?
Kind Regards,
Patricia M.
Public Knowledge Project Intern
Hi, Thanks for getting back to me.
I am looking at the editor and I cannot see the font, fontsize, adding a table, etc.
Not all of the HTML codes are working. Plus creating a table with the tools is easier than typing the code. Not all of the people who will be using the website have the ability to type the HTML code for everything they want to add to the website. I really need the toolboxes to appear fully on the menu in the static pages.
Hi @ybshokouhi,
Please refer to the following post that explains the tinymce plugin is “extended” for some fields, and so contains bulleted and numbered lists and some other controls, and not for others. Tinymce editor different toolbars OJS 3.0
Kind Regards,
Patricia M.
Public Knowledge Project Intern
Thanks for your reply. The link does not work. Would you please share it again?
Hi @ybshokouhi,
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team