We have 2 journals, “Analytic Teaching,” and “Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis.” I can only access the “Timed Views” report for “Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis.”
When I try to generate a stats for “Analytic Teaching,” there is nothing in them beyond the headings of “Article ID,” “Article Title,” etc. I know they have some views as I’ve viewed them myself.
Any idea why this would happen? I’ve tried checking and unchecking the box next to the message that says “Check to use statistics retrieved by the old Timed View plugin.” It doesn’t make a difference.
Thank you for your help
Was the content for Analytic Teaching loaded after an upgrade to 2.4.6?
Timed Views are no longer being collected in recent version of OJS. The legacy views, counter, and timed views statistics were migrated to a new metrics architecture in version 2.4.3. This new architecture may require some initial configuration and/or reprocessing of logs. See:
New statistics will not be collected under the “old Timed View plugin”.
Do you see results under the “OJS Usage Statistics Report” and under the “Generate Custom Report”? If not, there may be some missing configuration in your usage statistics.
User Home → Journal Manager → Stats & Reports
There are also some known bugs in usage statistics collection in 2.4.6. You might want to consider an upgrade to 2.4.8.
I think this content was loaded before upgrading to 2.4.6.
I tried using the OJS Usage Statistics Report, and it worked. We will upgrade to 2.4.8 this summer. Thank you for your help.