Do you have directory weith list of available themes for OJS 3.o I see Default theme and option to install Bootstrap3. DO you have moren ready available themes?
Do you have directory weith list of available themes for OJS 3.o I see Default theme and option to install Bootstrap3. DO you have moren ready available themes?
Hi @vvucic,
Those are the only two I’m aware of so far – though we have more coming in the next months, and I’m sure other groups are tweaking the base themes with their own CSS. We’ll continue to blog about new developments and interesting journals we see in the wild. I’d suggest keeping an eye on our blog (and the forum).
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
That would be perfect! And quite beneficial for us to look at each other
Hi @Ph_We,
On that note, if anyone has an interesting journal to share, please post it in the Community Showcase area of this forum. We like seeing these posted. We track OJS journals by doing the occasional Google search, so submissions from the community can be things we haven’t seen.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team