The plugin for OJS that allows to convert articles in DOCX to JATS XML format

Describe the issue or problem

Is there any plugins for OJS that allow to convert articles in DOC/DOCX to JATS XML format? or PDF with the figures retain high-resolution as it is.

application version?
OJS 3.4.0-4
PHP version 8.0.26

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Hi @logan1,

I don’t think there is a plugin that does exactly this, but there is the main JATS template plugin here: GitHub - pkp/jatsTemplate: Basic JATS document template generator plugin for OJS

However, it isn’t released for 3.4 yet.

PKP Team

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Thank you so much, I activated the plugin already, but it seems not to generate any XML file. How does this plugin work?

Hi @logan1,

This plugin hasn’t been tested for 3.4, so I would advise against installing it. I don’t have a lot of experience with this plugin, but the github page provides an overview of how the plugin works: GitHub - pkp/jatsTemplate: Basic JATS document template generator plugin for OJS

PKP Team

Dear @rcgillis,

Thank you for your suggestion, I have tested the plugins, the plugin collapses the plugin galley, and installed plugins. I will wait for the latest version. Thank you so much.

Best regards,

Looking forward to this plugin. But though I’ve tried using it in 3.3 version but does little


We’d like to upgrade to OJS 3.4 but are currently stuck because we have some journals using the DOCX converter plugin (GitHub - Vitaliy-1/docxConverter: Plugin for OJS 3 that parses DOCX and converts it to JATS XML format), and it doesn’t works on this new OJS version.

@Vitaliy: any news about this plugin? is it discontinued or is development still going on?

Has anyone found a valid alternative for generating XML in JATS format from OJS or with an external tool?

Best regards,
Pablo Iriarte