The PKP PLN does not know about this journal yet

Description of issue or problem I’m having:

I installed PKP PN plugin from Gallery plugin page in OJS journal.
I agreed with terms. Journal identifier is FACF95E7-6B8D-4C7F-82DE-ACFA58397374
But in the status window there is a message which doesn’t change for a long period. The mesage is Network Status: The PKP PLN does not know about this journal yet.
On the distributation page in archiving tab I enabled the PKP PN plugin also I enabled LOCKSS to store and distribute journal content at participating libraries via a LOCKSS Publisher Manifest page. Please help me to solve the problem.

PKP PN plugin
Journal identifier FACF95E7-6B8D-4C7F-82DE-ACFA58397374

We have OJS with PKP PN v enabled for some journals and the status window shows the same message Network Status: The PKP PLN does not know about this journal yet., but at the same time there is a list of deposits below it (the first six of them are Pending and the seventh is labeled Completed)

Do you have such a list of deposits?

I have only one journal and there is no any info in the status window.

I was doing some further checking on this… I have found 2 journals with this plugin activated

One of the journals states Network Status: The PKP PLN does not know about this journal yet. and the other one states Network Status: The PKP PLN can accept deposits from this journal.

Both of them have around 10 deposits pending. but they didn’t appear until several days after the plugin activation.

I don’t know how does that message affect the result of the plugin’s work… but it seems to be working… or at least it is doing something.

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