The file could not be uploaded or revised. error


I am getting this error when uploading file.

The file could not be uploaded or revised.

The error log is here as below:

[15-Apr-2021 07:53:19 UTC] PHP Warning: move_uploaded_file(/home1/hislamicus/files/journals/1//articles/216/submission/proof/216-1-373-1-10-20210415.pdf): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home2/hamdardi/public_html/lib/pkp/classes/file/ on line 141
[15-Apr-2021 07:53:19 UTC] PHP Warning: move_uploaded_file(): Unable to move ‘/tmp/phpxThIj6’ to ‘/home1/hislamicus/files/journals/1//articles/216/submission/proof/216-1-373-1-10-20210415.pdf’ in /home2/hamdardi/public_html/lib/pkp/classes/file/ on line 141

Please help and guide.


Hi @a2usmani,

Log is telling you that can’t move the uploaded file from the temporary folder to the ojs one.
Review the path and the permissions of your “‘/home1/hislamicus/files/journals/” folder.
