The equivalent of pages in electronic publications

Usually, in electronic only open access, instead of having page numbers, there is a code like e1234567 that is to be put as page number when quoting an article. What are the usual rules to make that code? should they be reset for every year? should they be put according to the order of object or order of publication?

Hi @giby,

I wouldn’t suggest using the page numbering field for this – instead, you can enable custom identifiers for articles, issues, etc., and use that field for an arbitrary (unique) identifier. I’m not aware of any general guidelines for how to choose an ID format to use; as long as you don’t use a strictly numeric value, which can confuse OJS because of ambiguity between that and OJS’s internal IDs, you can choose whatever is convenient.

(If you aren’t using e.g. DOIs, I’d suggest reading up on CrossRef.)

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

I am trying to work with unique identifiers in OJS 2.4.8 .

In Journal Manager, Setup, Step 4, I can enable it so that “Custom identifiers will be used to identify published items.” But, then I can’t find a place to enter this anywhere in the system. What am I missing?

Oh, nevermind. After so much looking, now I see it on the table of contents.