I installed OJS 3.02. I am assigning a DOI automatically while uploading the submission using Quick Submit. The Doi is not displayed on the submission metadata page. The Keywords are not displayed, as well. Any advice?
It seems to me that the DOI can not be displayed at the metadata unless it is deposited and assigned by Crossref (Live DOI). I am still facing the problem with the keywords. Any advice, please?
On keywords, see this github issue: Issues with input and display of keywords · Issue #1828 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I’ve the same problem.
With OJS 3.0.2::
In case of the DOI registration (with mEDRA) where can we put the single DOI for the single ISSUE?
And where can we put the single DOI for the single article?
We’ve found only in
BACK ISSUES >> EDIT (issue selected) >> IDENTIFIERS >> Public URL identifier
Is it right to put the DOI in this field?
Hi @mrwolf,
We don’t specifically support issue DOIs. If you like, you can put the issue DOI into the custom issue identifier field, which will cause it to be used in the issue’s URL – but it won’t e.g. facilitate deposit or minting of DOIs.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thankz @asmecher,
and sorry for my late feedback.
I’ll see to handle this DOI issue…