I cannot find any traces of the Lemon8-XML development, and I would like to try it out. Where can I get the code for the latest release of it and the history of the development and its usage. Was the program replaced by something else? Does anyone know the answers to these questions?
Hi @biomat
Lemon8-XML has been retired in favour of this project:
There are links there e.g. to the project’s github repository. Let me know if you’d like to know more!
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you for responding to my inquiry. I’m trying to get help with our
citation handling. I tried Lemon8 in the past, and didn’t find it to be a
viable alternative to LaTeX that we’re using, but I think I rushed the
judgement too much dismissing it all together. We are spending too much
time on verifying and cleaning the citations in submissions, and if I
remember correctly Lemon8 was quite good at it. What would you advise for
this job?
Best regards,
Chris J. Cieszewski, PhD
Professor, Fiber Supply Assessment, WSFNR
University of Georgia, Athens GA 30602 USA
Ph./FAX/Web: 706.542.8169/8356/www.drcjc.com
Hi @biomat,
It’s a tricky and very finicky job. I’m not specifically familiar with how the replacement tool’s handling of citations stacks up, but it should at least provide a good starting point; perhaps @axfelix can comment more specifically.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @biomat,
We have a demonstration instance of our article publishing and transformation stack available at http://pkp-udev.lib.sfu.ca/; this includes citation parsing. Right now it’s entirely supervised, so it won’t do much to intermediate the “cleaning” phase, but it does quite a good job of converting messy or unstructured references into any citation style you choose. Please try it out and let us know what you think.
If you aren’t afraid to get your hands dirty, you can also try out an experimental interactive citation parsing mode in meTypeset, one of the parsing tools wrapped by our stack, by obtaining it from GitHub - MartinPaulEve/meTypeset: meTypeset is a tool to convert from Microsoft Word .docx format to NLM/JATS-XML for scholarly/scientific article typesetting. and running it from the command line with the --interactive flag.