The API key you have entered is invalid. Please review your API key

Hola, espero que estén bien, estoy probando la actualización de los ojs de la versión a la versión 3.2
Antes de subirlo a producción, lo estoy probando en un servidor de prueba, sin embargo, cuando voy a cualquier revista al ingresar a la opción “sitio web”, aparece un mensaje en la esquina superior izquierda que dice:

“La clave API que ingresó no es válida. Verifique su clave API”

y al ingresar a cualquier revista me sale un error de DB

Error de la base de datos: la tabla ‘xxxxx.publications’ no existe Consulta: seleccione s. *, Po.seq de presentaciones como s join posts como po in s .current_publication_id=po.publication_id puede unirse a Postscomoissue_penissue_p.submission_id = s.submission_id deje que 'Publication_settings se una como issue_ps en issue_p .publication_id = issue_ps.publication_id where s. context_id =? y s .status en (?) y ( issue_ps.setting_name=? yissue_ps.setting_value en (?)) agrupan por s.submission_id, po. seq ordenado por po.seq` asc

This is the message that appears in the log file:

[Fri April 3 13:13:49.963305 2020] [php7: notice] [pid 13729] [client] PHP notice: Undefined index: url_path in /var/www/classes/issue/ .php on line 318, referee:
[Fri Apr 03 13: 13: 49.966010 2020] [php7: notice] [pid 13729] [client] ojs2: DB error: Table ‘xxxx.publications’ does not exist Query: select s . *, po.seq of submissions like sallowed to joinposts like po ins.current_publication_id=po.publication_id allowed to join posts like issue_p on issue_p.submission_id = ss.submission_id joined publishing_settings as issue_ps in issue_p.publication_id = issue_ps.publication_id where s. context_id =? and s .status in (?) and ( issue_ps.setting_name=? andissue_ps.setting_value in (?)) group by s.submission_id, po. seq ordered by po.seq` asc, referee:
[Fri April 03 13: 14: 11.790909 2020] [php7: warn] [pid 13748] [client] PHP warning: htmlspecialchars () expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in / var / www / lib /pkp/lib/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/plugins/modifier.escape.php on line 39

I hope you can help me, regards.

Hi @gmorales,

Did you run the upgrade script to upgrade your database to the new version? If so, did you receive a confirmation message that indicates it was successful, or some kind of error message?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thank you very much for your answer, I have not used a script for the database, where can I get it?

Hi @gmorales,

See the “Upgrading the OJS database” section in docs/ in your installation directory.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

In fact, I performed the update following those instructions, I did it a third time and now the error “The API key you entered is invalid. Please check your API key” no longer appears. However I am still getting the ## api .submissions.unknownError ## but I will look for how to solve it, thanks a lot for everything.

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Hi @gmorales,

Do you have TinyMCE Plugin enabled? If not, try activating it, and reload the browser



Yes, that worked, thank you very much for helping me.