Thanks. I have googled the questions and found nothing. I do not yet know whether it has a community forum or not. So, I ask here. Maybe some have ever used it and could share their ways
We are also exploring use of the Texture Desktop Editor to create XML files and upload them to the Texture Editor in OJS and have run into the same problem with the .dar file. If there is a way to extract the XML files from the .dar file or for the Texture Editor Plugin for OJS to accept a .dar file, that would be very helpful. Is extracting the files form .dar after being saved from the Desktop Texture Editor the only way to ultimately get the files to work in the OJS plugin?
I just rename the .dar to .zip. This allows me to just open the .dar file (now a .zip file) and extract manuscript.xml (I am using a Windows 10 PC and Texture 2.2). Then I put in the stuff Texture doesn’t do (like journal meta and reference labels) and it’s ready to go.
As was mentioned, dar is just a zip archive, thus can be unpacked as usual.
Texture Plugin accepts only files in JATS XML format, it produces dar internally but can’t give it as an output or input. You wouldn’t need to transform it to dar to publish it as a galley.
Why do need dar file in the first place? E.g., for the journal, where I’m an editor the process of conversion, looks like docx file → DOCX Converter Plugin → jats xml file → Texture Plugin → JATS Parser Plugin for presenting the article on the front-end. The latter could be changed for the Lens Viewer Plugin. Also, if converting from DOCX meTypeset is also a good tool. but I’m not sure if its output is fully compatible with Texture.