I have two installations of OJS, on a Debian 9.8 (stretch) , PHP 7.2.17-1, MariaDB 10.1.37, and the oldGregg theme release
Everything went OK, till this week, when if I try to change the text in the text fields in Journal, or Website settings as an administrator, I hit the Save button, I get the notification the page was saved, but the text field does not change! The problem seems to be for text fields, but not for radio buttons, or check-boxes.
But there is no problem in saving text in article Metadata, for example …
Since I didn’t touch the OJS installation in months, I think it is due to something from the system (PHP - maybe? or Apache?) that might updated automatically - I think …
I tried to disable mod_security - but no positive result.
In the Apache error log there is nothing useful (with or without display errors, show stack trace on)
The javaScript console doesn’t show anything
Any idea would be appreciated.