Subtitle and Middle Name does not appear in ‘How to Cite’ even if I choose the APA style. If you use the APA you are supposed to mention both subtitle and middle name.
Niels Erik
Hi @nef,
Which application are you using, and what version? (Please include this in your posts.)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Sorry. I am using the application ‘Citation Style Language’ and we are running OJS
Hi @nef,
Support for subtitles will be added to the Citation Style Language plugin with OJS 3.1.2-2 (due for release soon): Article subtitles not showing in "how to cite" · Issue #4021 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub
Starting with OJS 3.1.2, we added support for multilingual author and user names, which also involved changing out fixed Western-style names (first, middle, last) for a more general first name/given name pairing. This is also what’s supported by the Citation Style Language plugin. This means there is no longer a separate “Middle Name” field and users who want it included will need to put it with the first name in the “Given Name” field.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher, is there any way to exclude subtitle in citation? ojs 3.2 … Thank you
Hi @Emi_Naza,
You could reverse the changes made to the code described in the link above; however, I don’t recommend it. Why would you like to exclude the subtitles?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team