Hello, how can I make the subtitle of the article appear, but this metadata is not indexed. I need this metadata to be displayed but not indexed.
Ejemplo: https://doi.org/10.56294/saludcyt2023213
I remain attentive
Hi @jargote,
Which version of OJS are you are using (e.g. 3.3.0-11)? And, when you say you don’t want it to be indexed, do you mean that you don’t want users to be able to search for it? I could see that being kind of tricky.
PKP Team
Hello Thank you for your answer, I use OJS
Indexing is that it cannot be taken as metadata for Bibliographic Managers, Harvesters (Google Scholar, and other databases).
The fact that it appears is that it is visually displayed but not integrated as metadata for sharing.
Hi @jargote,
Thank you for clarifying. So, if I look at your article page and go to view source, I can see this as part of your outputted metadata:
<meta name="DC.Title" content="¿Cómo funcionan los procesos editoriales en Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología? Un artículo de preguntas dinámicas"/>
<meta name="DC.Title.Alternative" xml:lang="en" content="How do editorial processes work in Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología? An article of dynamic questions"/>
<meta name="DC.Type" content="Text.Serial.Journal"/>
<meta name="DC.Type.articleType" content="Editorial"/>
The part that you would hope to not include in indexers would be " Un artículo de preguntas dinámicas" - correct?
PKP Team
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