I’m trying to sort out why or how subscription renewal reminder messages are being sent when
the policy is not to do that?
Elsewhere it has been suggested that “there might be some untracked subscription code work done that may have not been committed to the core codebase”, but this has not been confirmed.
In the meantime, is there any way I can absolutely prevent this from happening? Is it possible to turn off the task that is responsible for sending these email reminders? If so how?
Just to confirm, when you say that the policy is not to use subscription renewal emails, do you mean that you’ve disabled them on the Subscription Policies page?
I have cleared the data caches but will not immediately know if this solves the problem.
It is interesting that you ask the follow up question. Yes, I have a test site installed. It is this test site that these errant messages are being sent from. This is why I have the Renewal Reminders turned off - so if they do get sent they will be sent only from the live database. Of course the data in the test site isn’t up to date with the subscription information - and then we get subscribers responding “we’ve already paid” - the only reason I knew there was a problem.
To compound the problem, potentially, is that we’ve very recently relocated the live site to a new server. The original server now houses the original live site and the test site - both 2.4.6. I have turned off renewal notification on the original live site as well. We’ll see what happens.
BTW - this problem predated the relocation of the live site - so not immediately relevant to the problem.
That’s likely the source of the problem – the original live site would still have been running through its scheduled tasks even though you were no longer using it as your primary website.
Can you confirm that the issue is resolved for you now?
with information like:
Your ##common.openJournalSystems## installation automatically executed and finished this task and you can download the log file here:…
I do not know why we receive these emails and I would like to disable receiving them.
Could you help me?
Hmmm… These are the automated notifications, that are run/executed by a Cron Job or Acron Generic Plugin. I wonder why are those two still there, because OJS 3.0 does not support subscriptions yet. @asmecher, shall then these two be removed from registry/scheduledTasks.xml? If so, I can make a patch that you Anna could apply to your installation, or change it manually… but lets wait what Alec says…
And here is what I see in registry/scheduledTasks.xml:
task class=“lib.pkp.classes.task.ReviewReminder”
descrSend automated reminders to reviewers to complete their assignments.descr
frequency hour=“0”
task class=“classes.tasks.SubscriptionExpiryReminder”
descr Send automated reminders to subscribers regarding their expired/about to expire subscriptions.descr
frequency hour=“0”
task class=“classes.tasks.OpenAccessNotification”
descrSend automated email to registered readers that have requested to be notified when an issue becomes open access.descr
frequency hour=“0”