Submission Unassigned, Archive, All Active not functioning

hello @asmecher,i know its been a while since this topic got any deliberation but i couldn’t help but notice that i had i encountered a similar problem as @Altaf_Bankotkar but my problem occurs specifically when i try to assign a submission to an issue, when i press the “assign to issue” button i get a "403 forbidden " error logged to the console, so i realised his solution would not solve my problem. I did a little digging and found out it might have something to do with modsecurity as can be seen in this forum [OJS 3.1.0-1] issue to submit metadata saveStep/3 403 (Forbidden), i’m not php savvy, so i might not understand exactly how to go about setting this feature off on my own or if i should even set it off at all…any help from you would be greatly appreciated.

under submissions>>view>>publication>>issue>>assign to issue>>save

once i select the submisson and click "save"i get a 403 error on the console and a “requested URL not recognized” popup like below (error message highlighted in yellow)

ojs 403 error 3

and the network tab shows nothing,please help me with a practical way of solving this…i have little experience with php, thank you sir