I do not know if this is an mistake or bug but I noticed a pretty big problem (or the settings of our journal perhaps are wrong). When the author submits his work, submission file is named with pattern [user name], [role], [the original file name], this name shows through the whole editing process, including peer review. If using a double-blind review, reviewers should not have information on the name and surname of the author, but on user registration we sugest that their usernames are assembled of name and surname, and even a OJS automatically create username from the first letter of the name of person and surname. In this case blind reviews doesn’t have much sense. Is this a fault in the system or maybe some of our settings?
As you probably saw, I have criticized the current file naming in Github, but mainly from different reasons.
The scenario you described should not happen. When you have a file in submission stage and choose the send the submission to the review stage, the file should be renamed and the author username should be removed. Could you doublecheck that the scenario above always happens? That said, I remember having one similar situation mentioned by one of our journals a month ago. But as I said, that should not happen.
Hi, I have checked this about 10 times today, I was clearing cache and every time it is the same thing, usernames are shown in review, but when reviewer downloads file it is named properly like 1901-99Z_Текст чланка-3464-1-4-20170420.docx
The filename you talked about above (username, author, filename) is basically a label, not the actual filename that opens when you click the label/link.
So just to check. When you have a submission in the submission stage, you have a filename like this:
username, author, filename
When you then click on “Send to review” and move to the review stage, the filename you see in the review files panel is still the same?
Yes, that is situation. I know that it shouldn’t be like this because blind peer review doesn’t have sens. Is there something that I could look or do to fix this?
Thanx for suggestions and help @ajnyga I think that it was solved due changing settings of review process (think that some old settings has left in database).
Here’s something very strange, if i’m sending submission to reviewing process and adding reviewer as journal manager (administrator) names do not change, but if I do it as an section editor, everything is fine unless section editor has to make changes to document, in that case if he uploads revision, name isn’t changed, if he uploads file as new, than in send to review stage name is changed according to pattern
Have you managed to solve the problem?
I’ve just tested locally: no mater if I am admin, journal manager or section editor, the file names in the “Review Files” grid are always without the username in it…
No, I didn’t, and i can’t find straight pattern, for now, if I change file as SecE and upload it with same name, it is named as it is uploaded by author, only way when filenames are changed correctly is if SecE send it directly to Rew, and that isn’t case in most of submissions. Is there a way to clean database from old versions
I think the issue was that in OJS2 there was no review type setting (open, blind, double blind). So after the upgrade when you go to the Workflow=>Review settings page it seems that you have double blind selected, but in reality there is no actual setting behind it. Double blind is only selected because it is the first radio button in that group.
Or was this solved already
Anyway, I am not sure whether it would affect the issue described above. I can not reproduce it at least for now.