Submission Library

Application Version OJS 3.1-2.4. How to use the Publisher Library/Submission Library.
I cant find the difference between both Libraries.
It is possible to upload files in the Publisher Library/Submission Library by two routes:

  1. Settings/workflow/Publisher Library/Add a file (as journal editor)
  2. Submissions/Article/Submission/Submission Library/Add a file (as author).
    The same documents can be seen regardless the route.
    Two questions:
  3. I dont know how to load files as journal editor that only can be seen by the Editorial Board. So that the author dont have access to these files.
  4. I would like to block the option for the author to load files in the submisison library to avoid mistakes by authors loading submission files or review files in this library.

Hi @MargaE,

Please note that he version of OJS that you’re using is no longer supported by PKP. I would recommend that you upgrade to the newest version of OJS, as it is possible that your issue will be resolved by upgrading, as the submission library/publisher library has changed in more recent versions. However, other community members may wish to offer assistance.

Upgrading instructions are available in the PKP Administrator’s Guide.

Information about the latest version of OJS can be found on the PKP Website

Best regards,

PKP Team

Hello @rcgillis,

Thank you very much for your answer. My institution will upgrade the OJS version in some months. In the meantime I must work with OJS 3.1 2-4.
Any additional information by other community members about how to use the Publisher/Submission Library in OJS 3.1 is very welcome.

Best regards