Are there any plans for implementing submission files to be converted to a single PDF? Or maybe there is already some plugin to do that?
Hi @piotreba,
What application are you asking about, and what version? Can you describe the publishing process you intend in more detail?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I mean OJS and combining submitted items (main text, images, tables, etc.) into a single PDF.
Hi @piotreba,
Do you mean all files submitted for a single article, or combining all articles into a single issue PDF, or something else? Maybe a simple example would make it clear.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I mean all submitted files for a single PDF to be available for review. Handling multiple submission files in OJS 2x was a challenge (main file and supplementary material, especially when subsequent review rounds were applied). Some journals have this kind of submission handling – we submit main text (as a file or by pasting it into the text field), images, tables, as a separate items, and in the end they are all combined into a single PDF file. I remember we were discussing it in the past, and then it was said that this functionality is planned to be included into OMP firstly. I don’t use OMP so I cannot verify that.
Hi @piotreba,
I think that would be pretty specific to your use case, I think, and very dependent on file types.
What has been improved in OJS 3.x and OMP is the concept of a submission: it’s no longer a single submission file along with a set of secondary content (supplementary files), it’s an arbitrary listing of many files. So if your concern is amalgamating all content into a single file so that it can be e.g. sent for reviews, I don’t think that’ll be necessary anymore.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team