Hello there,
I installed the latest OJS on clean machine, and noticed that ordering of submission preparation checklist items does not work: I can move items, but after pressing “Done” button, the items after a short delay move back (sometimes not to the previous places).
Tried this on two different computers with the same result.
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Hello @Vasyl_Ostrovskyi,
Thanks for your question. Could you please confirm which version of OJS you’re using? For help with this, please see How do I determine my PKP software's version? - #3
Kind Regards,
Patricia M.
I wrote that I installed the latest version. The latest mean 3.2.1-1. Now I checked other installations and noticed that htis effect is observed for as well, but for older version all is ok.
Hi @Vasyl_Ostrovskyi,
Thank you for confirming. I’ve tested this out myself on OJS 3.2.0-1 and facing the same issue. I’ve filed a ticket on Github for our developers to look into- Submission Checklist - Reordering doesn't save · Issue #6067 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub.
Please feel free to add any additional comments you may have regarding this issue.
Kind Regards,
Patricia M.
Public Knowledge Project Team