I’m using OJS 3.3.0-15
Some indexing platforms have contacted us because there are problems when trying to harvest our content via OAI-PMH
We have seen when copying the metadata to OJS, sometimes it keeps some not easy to identify characters
They seem to be Start of Text characters, but only we could see it in forms, not in the database directly where doesn’t appear when making a search.
How could we identify these characters on the database in order to delete them in batch?
This is the result when making a consult to the data above. none symbol is shown in the word narrativas
| CONVERT(CAST(setting_value as BINARY) USING latin1) |
| The art of giving birth: audiovisual practices and collective narratives of pregnancy and childbirth |
| El arte de parir: prácticas audiovisuales y narrativas colectivas de la gestación y el parto |
| A arte de parir: práticas audiovisuais e narrativas coletivas da gravidez e do parto |
| @@character_set_database | @@collation_database |
| utf8 | utf8_general_ci |
Collation of tables is utf8_general_ci
Thanks in advance, your help will be apreciated