I am new to OJS, I have inherited a server from another colleague and needing to install : Stop Forum Spam Plugin.
I have looked at : Stop Forum Spam to download the plugin and have searched the forum but cannot find the location of the : Stop Forum Spam Plugin for OJS. i see other platform plugins
I do not see any additional plugins under the plugin gallery , i do however have the option to upload plugins
If someone could point me in the correct location to download the correct Stop Forum Spam Plugin or where else i can find the list of supported plugins for download would appreciate it.
Thank you
Application Version OJS
Server OS : Ubuntu
There was an old plugin in OJS 2.x for the Stop Forum Spam service.
If you have some PHP skills, or can offer beer, sugar, or caffine to someone who does, a version for OJS 3.x could be built. The existing Akismet plugin might provide a good template, as it operates similarly, but with a subscription service. Find the code here:
Or, if you want to subscribe to Akismet, you could install that plugin from the Plugin Gallery.