Statistics of number of published articles

Dear OJS developers and users,

I have OJS and I want to show statistics on number of articles and calculated h-index (based on cited-by data) for the journal on the journal website.
Is it possible to harvest the number of published articles and number of published articles per year from OJS? How can I do that?

The Best


Hi Edvin,

Have you examined the PKP statistics framework built into OJS, through the Usage Stats plugins?

if that doesn’t get what you need you can also run queries directly on your database to get specific counts of articles from the published_articles table.


Dear @jnugent

I looked at the plugin, but I could not find a way to get other than a chart of the number of downloads on the abstract page. I will look at the option to call the sql, or otherwise it may be easier to use Crossref’s API to get number of articles together with number of citations.