Static Pages problem in OJS 3.1.1

I have upgraded the last version of the OJS. However, the Static Pages cannot load, see the images. Also I ahve a problem in Sidebar management. All Static Pages see under the Navigation Menu Items.
How can I solve this problem?

Thank you in advance

Hi @Gokmen_ARSLAN!

The latest version of OJS tries to incorporate the Static Pages content as Navigation Menu Items that can be added to certain Journal Navigation Menu.

Already existing Static Pages are being “transformed” to Navigation Menu Items by the upgrade process, and they can be managed from the ‘Navigation Menus’ tab/toolbox. The NavigationMenuItem type you are looking for is ‘Custom Page’.

Even if you don’t add a Custom Page Navigation Menu Item under a Navigation Menu, you can still access its url/path (the one that had been defined within the Static Pages Plugin in your case). So if you had the Static Page path defined somewhere else in your installation as a url, that url should be active after your upgrade.

Not sure if I have answered your question, but if you are still having trouble accessing or using your content, fill free to contact again.

Regarding the Sidebar management, is that another issue, or have you related them somehow? If it’s another issue, could you create another ticket explaining the problem?
