Describe the issue or problem
But I am facing problem when configure OJS with Docker solution: GitHub - pkp/docker-ojs: Open Journal Systems (OJS) is a journal management and publishing system. and configure the platform but when I follow the instruction to install the journal, the following error was thrown:
Errors occurred during installation A database error has occurred:
SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory
(SQL: create table `journals` (`journal_id` bigint not null auto_increment
primary key, `path` varchar(32) not null, `seq` double(8, 2) not null default '0'
comment 'Used to order lists of journals', `primary_locale` varchar(14)
not null, `enabled` smallint not null default '1' comment 'Controls
whether or not the journal is considered \"live\" and will appear on
the website. (Note that disabled journals may still be accessible,
but only if the user knows the URL.)', `current_issue_id` bigint null)
default character set utf8 collate 'utf8_general_ci')`
Does somebody in the community face the same issue? How does it fix it? Or somebody in the community have some suggestion on how to solve the issue?
What application are you using?
For example, OJS 3.4.0-7
With regards,
Jehu Njikonga