I have a very annoying problem with article comments, I received hundreds spam messages in journal article comments.
I’ve tried to enable recaptcha or to disable comments in reading tools options without success, I receive spam messages anyway.
Since I have many journals in my ojs installation, there are some bug that allow to post comment for an article from a different journal that has comments enabled?
There are some known bug related to this issue?
I think this is a critical security bug, and I’d know if there are solutions
Can you provide a specific example via URLs or screenshots? I’m not aware of a way to use open comments from one journal to post comments to another journal. If you have seen a particular instance of this, it would be a very interesting exercise.
Also, if you’ve enabled Captcha testing but don’t see the Captcha test appearing on the forms, make sure your server has the PHP libgd module installed.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team