Spam account under Users and Roles


Thank you so much for any help!



Hi @dung:

You cannot remove users, instead you can merge with another user. You can register a “recycle bin” user and merge all users you want to remove to that “recycle bin” user. This is for all PKP platforms.


Hello Diego,

Thank you very much for your reply, we can and will do that. But how can we stop this to happen again -can you tell me where did they do this, on registration page? if so can I put in a recaptcha?

Best regards,


@dung, there is two security ways to implement, first method is confirm email before use new acount and, for sure, second method is implement a recaptcha. Both options, can be activated from For recaptcha you must have a google account.
Using recaptcha prevents automatic registers, and verifyng account mails you sure that email of user is correct.


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Thank you Diego for directing us, we will do.

We encountered some very persistent spammers who were completing the ReCAPTCHA challenge and validating the email link. We developed two additional plugins to combat this:

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Hi ctgraham, I will try out these 2 plugins. Thanks for that!

Hello @ctgraham,

To let you know when we install honeypot we found a minor bug and fixed it. The error occurs when clicked on config Settings after successfully installed - the settings page will not load instead an error message. Then we looked at php_error log below

The error was:

PHP Warning: filemtime(): stat failed for plugins/generic/formHoneypot/templatestemplates//settingsForm.tpl in /var/www/html/ojs-3.1.2-4/lib/pkp/classes/template/ on line 51

So we made that changes below and that fixed the issue.

in file ojs/plugins/generic/formHoneypot/


//return parent::getTemplatePath($inCore) . ‘templates’ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
return parent::getTemplatePath($inCore) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;

As you can see it is a simple fix. config settings of the plugin will load and works as expected after this fix.


Further discussion is here: