Source code not appearing when editing author guidelines - OJS

Hi there,
I am using OJS version and I would like to edit the source code of the Author Guidelines.

When I access the Workflow and then Author Guidelines, the option to edit the source code is not appearing:


It appears when I edit the About the Journal section, but not for the author Guidelines.

Can anyone help me with this issue?

Thanks a lot in advance.

Hello Luisa,

It looks like other journals have had this problem as well - in an earlier thread about the issue, the Text Editor Extras plugin seems to help. Please give it a try.


I am having the same problem in OJS, but enabling Text Editor Extras does not help. I still do not see the code button. I tried to enable all the options in Text Editor Extras, and still do not see the button in Author Guidance.

I would be grateful if someone could help (@asmecher ?)
Thank you

Hi @fasken,

The Text Editor Extras plugin will only affect some TinyMCE controls (using the older JS stack, as opposed to the newer VueJS stack). For the Author Guidance area, look at SubmissionGuidanceSettings.php.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

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Thank you @asmecher !
I added ‘code’ in the toolbar and plugins lines.
This worked well!

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