Some page take too much time on website
Dear Sir,
In our website Some page take too much time to open.
Steps I took leading up to the issue
For example:
- Go to ‘’
- Click on ‘title of the article on homepage/ above the tab of PDF…’
- Take 1 to 2 min to open
- Some times showing (This page isn’t working. is currently unable to handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500)
What application are you using?
For example, OJS 3.3.0-8
Additional information
Please add any screenshots, logs or other information we can use to investigate this problem.
Please provide the solution as soon as possible.
Hi @National_Journal_of,
It’s difficult to say precisely what the issue here would be - can you please have a look at your PHP error log and report on errors found there?
PKP Team
Yes, it takes too long.
You may update to the newest LTS version (OJS 3.3.0-17) due to performance and security reasons. Also, you may disable not needed plugins.
Also, JavaScript Console reports this error: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ():
You may check permissions of this directory, public and its subdirectories should be readable for external accesses.
Dear Sir,
Thank you for reply. If we upgrade to then the issue will solve?